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Zico Coconut Water

When drinking alcohol cause dehydration and make some hangover symptoms worse, there is a solution to rehydrate yourself : Zico Coconut Water.


In this project, I developed an advertisement ecosystem that communicate Zico Coconut Water benefits and develop an idea of lounge experience to rehydrate after drinking.


Zico Coconut Water



Type of Work



Social Network Campaign

Lounge Experience


Zico Coconut Water is 100% pure coconut water with natural flavor essences.

Zico is the natural, refreshing way to hydrate and replenish.

Zico has important electrolytes-potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorous that your body needs to keep nerves firing, keep muscles moving, and to manage stress.

Packed with potassium (670 mg): Zico has more potassium than a banana and 15 times more than sports drinks.Low acidity (4.8 ph): Lower acidity than sports drinks and juices means Zico is easy on your stomach. Zico has no fat, no sugar added, only 60 calories, 15 carbs, and no cholesterol.

Drinking alcohol can cause dehydration, which may make some hangover symptoms worse. Stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking Zico water whenever you feel thirsty to reduce your hangover symptoms.

Lounge Experience and Social Media

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